
Archive for June, 2015

Greater Works LIVE! 2015 Summer Virtual Conference

Banner 2 Microphone A

ATTENTION: Small business owners, Christian ministries, authors and coaches who want to do greater works reaching a larger audience…

“Are you ready to STOP being the best-kept secret in your field and START making money sharing your expertise?” Is it time? Time for you to start doing greater works by hosting your own highly profitable, content-rich events that transform people’s’ lives in a big way?

I’m sure you’ve noticed the dramatic increase in live events lately. Seems like everyone is hosting a webinar, telesummit, or multi-day conference.

So it should come as no surprise to you that this marketing plan can work wonders for your business, ministry or products. In fact, maybe you’ve even considered hosting your own event. Or perhaps you have put on a live event, but were a little disappointed with the results.

If that sounds like you, then keep reading, because the planning and implementation of these fantastic business/ministry-building events is about to get a whole lot easier.

The fact is, there’s nothing like a live event to… Establish Your Expertise and Authority in a Powerful Way.

If the very thought of a live event leaves you shaking in your boots, take a deep breath and let’s consider for a minute just what qualifies as a live event. There are dozens of types, including:

  • Teleseminars
  • Webinars
  • Telesummits
  • Meet-ups
  • Conferences  (Online and In-Person)

You probably know how much you can boost your credibility by publishing a book, right? Imagine the same benefits, but multiply them by hundreds. It’s time for you to do some “Greater Works Live!”

It’s time for the Got To Get Myself Together! Summer Virtual Conference (online and via telephone). The theme this summer is “Greater Works LIVE!” Presenting Yourself to the World. The virtual conference is for 2 weeks, June 14 through 27, 2015.

If there’s one thing you’ve probably learned in business, it’s that the fastest way to success is to follow in the footsteps of others.  This 2 Weeks virtual conference is designed to show you just what steps you need to take, and when, starting with…

  • Types of Events & How to Choose the Right Experience for Your Clients and Customers Around the World
  • 5 popular event formats – plus tips for choosing the right one for your market and comfort level.
  • 2 questions you must be able to answer before planning any event – miss this and your well-planned event might be a dismal failure.
  • 6 major benefits of hosting an event of your own, no matter the size and MUCH MORE!

During this virtual conference, my special guests and  I’d like to teach you my secrets for hosting live events making the difference you were put on the earth to make!

The conference special guests are Cassandra Lang, Exposure Expert and Encourager, Founder of “Create Your World” and Dr. Vanessa Weatherspoon, Spiritual Leader and Business Builder, Founder of the “Gathering of the Eagles” and Facilitator of the “The Master Call.”

The registration for the LIVE CALLS is “FREE.” You can upgrade your registration for $97 to receive the conference  digital materials (workbook, templates, and Checklists) and 30 days access to the live call replays.

For more information and to choose your registration go here

Pressing On Day 8 – The Biggest Secret in Time Management

Pressing On Day 8 The Biggest Secret In Time Management

You can’t manage time. It’s that simple. There is no such thing as managing time. Time is a limited resource. What you can do is find out where you are allowing time suckers and wasters to use up this limited resource in an unproductive manner. This is more self-management than time-management. I bet right now you can write down at least five activities that you do each day that are unproductive and can be classed as Time Wasters. Let’s try:

  • Unfocused Internet Surfing
  • Personal Phone Calls
  • Personal Online Chatting
  • Playing Online Games
  • Dealing with Spam emails

I bet you can name more things that you do each day that are just simply complete wastes of time. I’m not saying you can’t do all these things during your day, but these are not tasks that you should do in the name of your business or ministry. They should be tasks you do on your personal time. With issues like spam emails, there are tricks and tips that you can do such as using a separate Gmail account when you sign up for newsletters, Google alerts, etc.  and outsource tasks associated with that so that you only need to read the most important emails. Additionally, keep your business/ministry and personal emails separate.

Start tracking your daily activities so that you can see where your time wasters are. You can use a spreadsheet, a time clock of some kind, or a piece of paper, but it’s important to track every moment of your time during the day for about a week. Once you’ve finished tracking your time for the week, go through and highlight the time wasters.

Next, identify items that can be outsourced. Now, identify items that you need to do yourself. Separate the items you will do yourself between business and personal time. Divide further into money producing activities and non money producing activities.

Once you have your list, set goals to help you manage the use of your time in a manner that is most productive. By changing your own behavior, you will feel as if you have more time in every day. You will feel more accomplished if you make a list of daily goals, marking off each task as they are completed. Goals should be very specific and include exactly what needs to be done, who will do it, and how it will be accomplished and by what time. By being very specific about goals, you’ll be more likely to achieve them.

For some people, it helps to attack one issue at a time, working toward a full time management system within a month by eliminating one or more time suckers and wasters each week. Changing your behavior slowly with an end goal in mind regarding managing your time well will result in a new attitude about the time you spend doing various tasks. Increasing your productivity will feel terrific and while you can’t actually gain extra time in your day, you will feel as if you have accomplished this impossible task by freeing up time you used to waste in which to be more productive.


Pressing On Day 7 – Time Management Resource App

Pressing On Day 7 Time Management App

Pressing On! 12 Days Challenge – Building and Managing the Rest of Your Year

Day 7 – Time Management Resources Day

Resource #1 – Evernote App

Looking for an app that allows you to synchronize just about everything in our life? From client files to recipes. Evernote is the right app.

Your life’s work

For everything you’ll do, Evernote is the workspace to get it done. For Writing, you can use it for short lists to lengthy research, no matter what form your writing takes, Evernote keeps you focused on moving those ideas from inspiration to completion.

For Collecting, you can easily gather everything that matters. Clip web articles, capture handwritten notes, and snap photos to keep the physical and digital details of your projects with you at all times.

You can Discuss and Connect your work with the people who help you get it done. Communicate, collaborate, and share in real-time with anyone in the world without ever leaving Evernote.

For Presenting, you can have fast, effective meetings by presenting your work as it evolves. No need to build slides, just one click and your notes are transformed into a beautiful screen-friendly layout.

Evernote can be access on all your electronic devices. It has won the Apple “App Hall of Fame,” and the NY Times Must Have Apps.

If you are not using Evernote here is the link to sign-up on-line For your tablets and smart phones check the app store for this app.

Categories: Uncategorized

Pressing On Day 6 – Time Management Tips

Categories: Uncategorized

Pressing On 12 days Challenge – Next 3 Days

Productivity Killers Training Audo Pic

Pressing On! 12 Days Challenge – Building and Managing the Rest of Your Year – Days 4 & 5 – Simple Strategies to Increase Your Productivity Right Now!

Day 4 – Productivity Killers and Myths

Are you one of the millions of people who simply want to find just a few more hours in their day to finish a task? What would you do with an extra hour sleep? Relax with friends? Or work more in your business? Whatever it is, learning simple strategies to become more productive is the aim of this challenge.

Productivity killers

What Kills Productivity? We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to get way more done than others. In this section, let’s take a look at a few of the more common productivity killers. These can be killing your productivity in either your personal or business life.

Killer #1: Too much on your plate is one of the top productivity killers. We take on tasks even when we already have a full plate. Often times we do this because we are confident and overly optimistic. We believe we can get everything done or maybe we just haven’t learned to say no to those things we really don’t want to do.

Killer #2: Which leads to the next killer: You don’t know how to say no. By spreading yourself too thin, your quality of work, your health and your sanity often suffer. Taking on too much, filling your plate with every request made of you, can be overwhelming and cause you to not get done half of what you normally could.

Killer #3: Not getting enough sleep can kill your productivity. I’m not telling you to get 10 hours of sleep. Everyone’s body is different. But research says most people need 7 to 8 hours to be fully rested.

Killer #4: Not getting enough exercise can kill your productivity as well. Physical activity keeps your mind healthy as well as your body. Just a simple walk around the block can clear your mind so you are ready to start on a task when you return.

Productivity is key to getting things done. Learn more about productivity killers and myths, listen to the training audio here


Pressing On! 12 Days Challenge -Building and Managing the Rest of Your Year – Days 4 & 5 – Simple Strategies to Increase Your Productivity Right Now!

Day 5 – The Productivity Secret

The secret to getting more done, having less stress in your life, and being more profitable all boils down to one missing ingredient: a system.

Here is the link to the training video –

Pressing On 12 Days Challenge – The First Three Days


It has been a while since I post on my blog. I do apologize for that. I have had several things going on at one time in my life and I am now getting to a place where I am more balanced. Earlier this month I started a 12 days challenge in my Facebook Group designed to help you to access the first part of the year and to build and manage the rest of this year.

The challenge is “The Got To Get Myself Together!” Pressing On 12 Days Challenge “Building and Managing the Rest of the Year!”  It started on June 2 and will continue on until June 13. On June 14th I will launch my 3rd annual Got To Get Myself Together Summer Virtual Conference. The theme this summer is “Greater Works LIVE!” Presenting Yourself to the World.

To catch everyone up with the 12 days challenge I will post 3 days in this post and 3 tomorrow (we are presently on day 7). Included in the post will be the links for the training audios so you can listen to them.



Pressing On 12 Days Challenge Day 1 – Are You Focused On What You Really Want?

Getting More of What You Really Do Want

If you’d like to get more of what you want in life (pleasure, passion, purpose), shift your focus away from what you don’t want and clearly, purposefully towards what you do want.

Your mind will go to work creating that. You’ll get unstuck. Your energy will increase. Solutions, alternatives, and options will come to you more easily.

Here is the link to today’s audio training (about 20 minutes)


Pressing On! 12 Days Challenge – Building and Managing the Rest of Your Year

Days 2 & 3Powerful Laser Focused Vision and Mission Statements

Proverbs 28:18 (KJV) – “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

The Message Bible – If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.

The next two (2) days will focus on powerful vision and mission statements. Developing [or revisiting] a mission statement for your life; as well as your business, ministry or career is important. When you take the time to think about your mission, identify where you are right now and where you want to go in the future. Understanding your vision and mission will set you on the path to fulfillment in life and finishing out this year strong and well accomplished.

This training audio teaches you how to create a laser focused vision/mission statement, how to define your core values so you can stay on track and how define your reason for doing what you do.

Here is the link to listen to the training audio


Pressing On! 12 Days Challenge -Building and Managing the Rest of Your Year

Day 3 – Defining Your Core Value

Values play a key role in creating your mission statement. Be sure that your mission statement is in line with your core values. Values are what you believe to be true and act on. Your values are based on your most innermost beliefs and highest priorities. They determine how you interact with others, conduct personal and business affairs and give you an idea of what is most important to you in life.

Also included on training audio, “Create Your Roadmap” (you may have heard this clip before) audio clip.

Here is the link to listen to the training audio


Whew! I know it’s a lot for one day. Take your time reading and listening to the training audios. Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know how your life, ministry and/or business has been empowered.

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