
Archive for the ‘inspiration’ Category

7 Steps For Gaining Clarity In Your Life Step 7 “Find Your Personal Clarify Triggers”

August 14, 2021 Leave a comment

We are here Day 11 at Step #7: Find your Personal Clarify Triggers.

Each of us has certain activities or situations that foster calm and clarity. It’s up to you to find those triggers and expose yourself to them as often as possible.

Here are some examples to illustrate what these clarity-enhancing triggers could be:

  • People

You may have people in your life who inspire you with their passion and positivity. Being around them or talking to them fills you with optimism and gives you a positive outlook.

In times of hardship, these people may play an important role in boosting your resilience and helping you bounce back stronger than ever. Their clarity, purpose and grit will wear off on you!

If you have these types of people in your life, make sure you interact with them as much as possible and keep your relationship strong.

  • Practicing your faith

Strong spiritual health is another clarity-booster because it brings your values and morals into clear focus – and our values should always be our guiding compass in all that we do.

If you are a Christian believer, practice your faith consistently through prayer or other spiritual disciplines to maintain good spiritual health.

Spiritual health also builds clarity by breeding acceptance, gratitude, fortitude, and compassion, all of which bring inner peace and fulfillment.

  • Exercise

Many people find that exercise is their perfect clarity trigger and if this is true for you, go for it! What better way to stay super fit physically and super clear mentally!

In a nutshell, it’s a matter of choice. We can choose to wander through life in a haze of uncertainty and confusion. We can choose to see life as a complicated web of risks, crises and obstacles that are almost impossible to navigate. When this is our mindset, we lose ourselves along the way.

On the other hand, we can realize that life is simple if we choose to make it so… of we choose to live it with clarity and purpose.

Hopefully, your choice is the latter because it’s the one that will change your life. And you have 7 powerful tools to help you every step of the way.

When you start putting these 7 powerful steps into action, your life-changing journey has begun.

Photo by Christina Morillo on

Find People Who Will Encourage You!

7 Steps For Gaining Clarity In Your Life Step 6 “The Power of Visualization”

August 13, 2021 Leave a comment

Welcome to Day 10 and Step 6 of The Clarity Circle Challenge. Today, we are discussing Step #6: The Power Of Visualization.

The power of visualization is backed by a wealth of scientific studies strongly suggesting that it develops clarity and makes it easier to achieve goals.  How does it work? The simple answer is that visualization motivates your brain to manifest your goals.

When you visualize having attained your dream, the positive emotions that flood your mind make your brain sit up and take notice, so to speak. It recognizes that the thoughts you’re having are making you feel good and therefore, are beneficial to your wellbeing.

Now, here’s the catch: your brain can’t tell the difference between reality and thoughts. It perceives your visualization as a physical reality that has already taken place. Because it fills you with positive emotions, your brain will create new neural pathways to enforce and expand your vision. It will keep your goal crystal-clear and top of mind. It will keep you motivated and passionate. It will feed you with creative ideas and innovative ways to keep your goal vivid and alive, making it much easier to attain. Amazing!

How to do visualization

  • To visualize your goals, you can either create a vision board or simply sit down, close your eyes, and let your imagination run wild. Both methods are equally powerful.
  • Be as vivid and precise as possible, visualizing colors, smells, conversations, and the details of your surroundings as if the scenes were actually taking place. But remember, you should always be the “star” of the scene!
  • Consider creating an ambiance for your visualization such as playing relaxing music or diffusing some essential oils.
  • Try to practice visualization daily for at least 5 minutes – the longer and more often you can do it, the better.

Writing down your goals and visualizing them opens the door to amazing clarity. It provides you with a clear perspective of the bigger picture and what really matters to you in the end. It keeps you focused and mindful of your end goal, with a clear perception of what you need to do to achieve it.

The powerful sense of purpose and passion you gain and the sense of achievement as you move closer towards your dream will bring you calm, inner peace and fulfillment.

Need a journal to write down your visualizations? Take a look at my 35-pages Dreams and Visions Journal. A dreams and visions journal is a perfect way to document your dreams and visions. It can help you make sense of them. It allows you to observe and analyze what you saw in your mind.

Take a look here for more information and to get $5 OFF (reg. $30)

7 Steps For Gaining Clarity In Your Life Step 4 “Avoid Clarity-Sapping Influences”

August 11, 2021 Leave a comment
Photo by Stephen Llevares on

This is Day 8 of the Clarity Circle 30-Day Challenge. It’s time for Step #4: Avoid Clarity-sapping Influences.

You could be exposing yourself to clarity-sapping influences without even knowing it. These are people, situations or habits that trap you in a haze of mental fog. Again, these influences are personal and depend on your specific life circumstances.

However, here are some typical examples:

1.  Clarity-sapping people

It’s a scientific fact that we become influenced by the traits and behaviors of the people we are in constant contact with. For this reason, make sure you avoid the following types of people as much as possible:

  • People whose goals and personal values are in direct conflict with yours.
  • Chronic procrastinators who prefer inaction over action.
  • Aimless people who are drifting through life without specific goals or ambitions.
  • People who see themselves as perpetual victims and blame others for their failures and failings.
  • People who constantly complain and criticize.

2.  Clarity-sapping behaviors and habits

While it’s easy to recognize that negative people can sap our clarity, habits are more difficult to identify. This is because we enjoy them and therefore, they seem harmless enough. But some of the following could be seriously sabotaging your clarity:

  • Eating too much junk food. It literally numbs the brain.
  • Consuming too much sugar wreaks havoc with your hormones and other body chemicals, seriously affecting brain health and cognitive abilities (not to mention the physical hazards).
  • Technology is a wonderful tool but like almost anything, too much is bad for you. Excessive use of technology includes gaming, web surfing, spending hours on social media and consuming excessive entertainment. In fact, digital addiction is now recognized by the health profession as a serious problem that can affect mental health. Overindulging in these activities keeps the brain overstimulated for long periods of time and numbs the emotions, leaving you mentally drained and hazy.
  • Excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption. These give you a false “spike” but when that spike wears off, it’s a case of severe brain fog and confusion. Moderation is the key here.

Gaining clarity is a case of identifying these influences in your own life and avoiding them or eliminating them altogether.

Assignment: Which clarity-sapping people or behaviors and habits are present in your life today? Journal your answer.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

7 Steps for Gaining Clarity in Your Life Step 3 “Stay Grounded with Mindfulness Meditation”

August 10, 2021 Leave a comment
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Welcome to Day 7 of The Clarity Circle 30-Day Challenge. I pray that you are being blessed with what you are learning about the importance of being clear about your life and your greater works in the earth. Today, we continue with the 7 Steps For Gaining Clarity In Your Life focusing on Step #3: Stay Grounded with Mindfulness Meditation.

Sadly, many people regard meditation with skepticism. They see it as a bogus practice that has no tangible results. The fact that meditation has been practiced since the dawn of history and continues to be practiced is proof that it’s not a bogus fad. Additionally, the tangible benefits of meditation are very real as a wealth of research is now able to tell us.

There are many types of mediation but when it comes to gaining clarity, mindfulness meditation is the most effective. The goal of mindfulness meditation is to train your mind to stay grounded in the present. It is in the present moment, not in the past or future, that you are able to have the most clarity and purpose.

According to one of my spiritual fathers, Bishop I. V. Hilliard, meditation is spiritually defined for the Christian believer as a spiritual experience that paints the end result of the promises of God on my heart.

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV) in the Christian Bible says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Mindfulness meditation calms an overstimulated brain and enables you to become aware of your thoughts. By calmly acknowledging them dismissing distracting thoughts, you are able to stay grounded in the present, calmly and purposefully interacting with what is happening in the moment. This is the essence of clarity.

A wealth of research also shows that mindfulness meditation can have many other powerful benefits that foster clarity. These include:

  • It relieves stress and anxiety.
  • It improves memory and focus.
  • It promotes feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
  • It calms racing thoughts.
  • It promotes sleep.
  • It promotes intuition and self-awareness.

What should you meditate on daily to help gain clarity in your life?

  1. God, Himself
  2. God’s Word
  3. The works of God
  4. The Promises of God
  5. Positive and Faith-confessed thoughts

Through meditation, you rise from unbelief, uncertainty and cross the threshold of possibilities and enter into the realm of faith, belief, and clarity.

7 Steps for Gaining Clarity in Your Life Step 2 “Organize and Declutter your Living Space”

August 9, 2021 Leave a comment
Photo by George Milton on

Today, we continue the clarity circle challenge with the 7 Steps For Gaining Clarity In Your Life focusing on Step #2: Organize and Declutter your Living Space.

Numerous studies have found that our surroundings have a powerful impact on our mental state.  A messy, cluttered space literally leads to a disorganized, cluttered mind!

Several of these studies suggest that mess and clutter are also associated with behaviors such as lack of discipline, procrastination and poor productivity, qualities that are the opposite of clarity.

Since we do most of our eating, sleeping, and living at home, a disorganized mind may be the result of a disorganized living space.

Give your house a thorough decluttering and watch your clarity blossom and soar. Here’s how to go about it simply and efficiently:

  • Go through your home room by room and thoroughly declutter and reorganize each room at a time.
  • Take your time so that you can declutter thoughtfully and thoroughly. It may take a few weeks depending on how much clutter you’ve accumulated.
  • Empty each room completely, including shelves cupboards and closets. Sort things you haven’t used in 6 months, duplicate items and broken clutter into three piles: one for throwing away, one for donating and the third for storage.
  • Give the room a good cleaning.
  • Reorganize the room if possible for a more streamlined, spacious look.
  • Return the items you use regularly to the room and organize them neatly.

The final result should be a tidy, streamlined living space with plenty of open spaces, clear surfaces and a spare but inviting look.

Your tidy, decluttered home will be transformed into a haven of calm and tranquility. With less clutter to process, your brain will wind down and remain clear and sharp. Your mood will improve and you will feel happy and relaxed. Add to this the fact that things will be easier to find and cleaning will be loads faster, all of which means less stress and hassle.

Decluttering your home may require some time and effort but the results are well worth it – just take care not to let clutter start accumulating again!

Cool tip: If you spend long hours at your office as many of us do, consider decluttering your workspace as well. A minimalist workspace not only does wonders for clarity but speaks volumes about your professionalism and work ethic.

7 Steps for Gaining Clarity in Your Life – Step 1

August 8, 2021 Leave a comment

Gaining clarity is not as difficult as you might imagine. I will share 7 steps that will help to lay a powerful foundation for a mindset of lifelong clarity, inner peace, and lasting fulfillment.

Today I will begin with Step 1.

Step #1: Identify and Eliminate Major Stressors

A minor stressor is having a bad day at work, an argument with your partner or being stuck in traffic for two hours. Sure, these situations are frustrating and stressful, but they are random, everyday stressors that are just part of life. A few minutes of meditation or relaxing activities daily will easily relieve these types of stress. 

Major stressors are people, situations, habits, or emotions that keep you trapped in a cycle of negativity and tension. They can take a huge toll on your physical and mental wellbeing and dramatically decrease clarity and calm.

Major stressors can include destructive relationships or past emotional traumas. They can include negative habits like compulsive overspending or shopping addiction. They can be toxic emotions like resentment, jealousy, or envy.

Identify your major stressors and take action to eliminate them ASAP. Terminate or ease out of destructive or abusive relationships. Let go of grudges and release feelings of resentment by forgiving those who have wronged you. Heal emotional trauma by seeking therapy if you need to. Join a program for getting over a negative addiction like overspending. 

Your major stressors are personal to you and your specific circumstances. Only you can identify them through honest reflection and decide on the action required to eliminate them. They are not only harming you mentally and physically but are also limiting you from seeing the bigger picture, finding your purpose, and moving forward with your life.

When you have eliminated these major stress triggers, you can start building amazing clarity onto a “clean slate.” In other words, this first step is the foundation that paves the way for gaining clarity in your life. 

Assignment: Identify your major stressors and create a plan of action to eliminate them.

Clarity Circle Challenge Day 4 – The Life Changing Benefits of Having Clarity

August 7, 2021 Leave a comment

Welcome to Day 4 of The Clarity Circle 30-day Challenge. Today is about the life-changing benefits of having clarity in your life.

Conversely, the benefits of gaining clarity are nothing short of life-changing. Here are just some of the amazing gains you can expect:

  • Clarity enables you to form a clear vision of what you want in your life and in turn, to create precise, measurable goals for achieving that vision.
  • Clarity crystalizes your priorities, allowing you to focus on what really matters to you.
  • Clarity changes your inner self-talk which is usually negative. This relieves inner turmoil and frustration.
  • Clarity helps you plan and structure your time better.
  • Clarity eliminates decision fatigue.
  • Clarity clears away confusion and ambiguity, allowing you to see the bigger picture.
  • Clarity promotes mindfulness.
  • Clarity promotes self-acceptance and self-worth.

Assignment: Take a look at these benefits of having clarity in your life. Identify the ones you would like to see active in your life today.

Day 3 – 12 Signs That You Lack Clarity Part 1

August 6, 2021 Leave a comment

The Clarity Circle 30-Day Challenge Welcome

August 2, 2021 Leave a comment
Clarity Is Important

Welcome to “The Clarity Circle 30-Day Challenge.” The purpose of this challenge is to help you to refocus or to get clarity around your life’s purpose during these unprecedented times we are living now.

It’s surprising that today, more than ever, so many people are struggling with finding clarity in our lives. Unfortunately, they have allowed the pandemic to grip them in such a way that they are redefining who they are what they have been assigned to do with their lives. Yes, the pandemic has caused some unexpected and unplanned events, but it doesn’t get to change your life’s purpose. The pandemic does not define you.

Have you noticed that despite the mind-boggling, time-saving advances in technology and the myriad conveniences and comforts we enjoy, clarity, focus and inner peace seem to be a struggle to attain or experience in our lives now.

When we lack clarity, we go through life in a foggy haze of uncertainty and frustration. We find ourselves wondering, “Who am I and why am I here? What’s my purpose? Why do I feel lost and overwhelmed? Why can’t I find fulfillment?”    

When you gain clarity, the answers to all of these questions will become clear and your life will be transformed forever. You’ll regain the focus, motivation, and inner tranquility that you lost somewhere along the way. They are vital to your personal success and fulfillment.

The lack of clarity is the main cause of our derailment in life. It’s the reason we keep running like a hamster inside a hamster wheel, going around and around but never getting anywhere. It’s to get out of the fruitless rat race – and this 30-day challenge will arm you with the tools to do that.

Gaining amazing clarity in your life begins easily with practicing 7 simple steps until they become permanent habits. They are well worth the time and effort because the benefits of clarity are dramatically transformative. You’ll find purpose and meaning in your life and gain the wisdom and confidence to pursue and achieve your biggest goals and dreams.

Are you excited?

Let’s start tomorrow in the challenge with some “clarity” basics before jumping into the 7 simple steps!

7 Ways to Turn Worry into Excitement

October 28, 2020 2 comments
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Everybody worries sometimes. Right now, you’ve probably even got a few worries on your mind. You might be thinking about a relationship or a situation at work, causing you trouble. Maybe you’re worried about your health or whether or not you’re going to have enough money to pay the bills at the end of the month. Whatever the case, worry happens whether we intend for it to or not. This becomes a problem, though, when worry starts to take over your life.

So, what is the goal? Is stopping worrying enough to put you on an even keel, or are you hoping for something…more? What if, instead of worrying, you could become excited, then use this excitement to get more done?

Let’s look at seven ways to achieve this:

1. Be Here Now

Worry has a way of trapping you anywhere but here. Either you’re worried about something which happened long ago, or you’re caught up in fretting about something still to come.  Neither is going to get you anywhere. To stop worrying, you need to focus on the present. What interests you right now?

2. Realize This Gets You Nowhere Fast

Worrying stops you cold. In fact, most procrastination is caused by worrying. With this in mind, why are you wasting your time and energy on worrying? Sometimes just recognizing what a waste worry is, will be enough to derail it altogether. Especially when you have better places to be.

3. Throw Yourself into Something Interesting

Worry needs your attention to survive. Get busy doing something engaging to your mind, and you’ll find you forget all about worrying.

4. Rewrite the Script

If you’re seeing everything blow up around you, maybe you should try focusing on the perceived disaster. Ask yourself how you could do things to handle the situation were it to happen. Once you have it, practice the scenario in your mind. Picture yourself handling matters.

5. Practice

Worried about something you need to do later? Having a dress rehearsal in your head will make things go smoother and keep worry at bay entirely.

6. Ask

Challenge your worry. Dig in and get to the roots until you understand your worry intimately. Ask yourself where the negativity came from. Peel back the layers until you get down into the heart of the matter.

7. Try a New Path

In the end, worry can become very attached to the familiar. Challenge yourself. Find a different way to do things. Explore where this path takes you.

The main point in all of these is to enjoy the journey. This is where you find the excitement and enthusiasm, which leads to getting things done. The rest is all momentum and a whole lot of brand-new accomplishments just waiting to happen.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on